Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bookish Christmas wishes from the AES writers

Lots of
sweet words
tasty phrases
delectable books
Lots of 
literary goodies!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Learning to write dialogues in a fun way!

In the last Becoming a Writer meeting for 3rd graders students continued writing dialogues. They learned them in a fun way - through a dialogue game and by creating dialogues to the famous and equally ambiguous painting The Ambassadors.

Dialogue game with students' names
The Ambassadors - a challenging but engaging painting for creating dialogue

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Most of the postcards have been sold!

Large sums were shouted out! The Christmas Auction is now over. It seemed like a happy event and one of tremendous success! Also, most of the 3rd grade writers' postcards were sold. We can therefore be proud of our modest contribution to the worthy endeavour. Below, photos of the "Christmas postcard counter":

Postcards by members of Becoming a Writer club
Postcards by members of Becoming a Writer club
Postcards by members of Becoming a Writer club

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A limited collection of Christmas postcards on sale tomorrow at the Auction!

Younger members of Becoming a Writer club are impatiently looking forward to tomorrow! For, it's tomorrow that they will show and sell their Christmas postcards: a limited collection of twelve (only 12!) cards holding famous Nativity scenes. So, to see and purchase you must simply drop by the AES Christmas Auction and look for Becoming a Writer members' Christmas postcards! 

First come, first served!

Putting pen to paper!

This blog has been silent for quite some time... However, to assure writing is ceaselessly thriving at the AES, it's crucial to say it's not because students lost their interest or that the club stopped growing. To a great extent it's due to the simple truth that writing is after all a quiet and solitary pursuit. Writers have a tendency to draw back once in a while; to retreat in order to gather thoughts. 
Regardless, you may still wonder, what stage are they at? Thus, in Becoming a Writer for 5th and 6th grades students are beginning their stories after having already planned them. This is when really not much work can be exhibited apart from a couple of unpolished literary bits and pieces. It's these pieces, however, that will make up the final stories.

However, younger members of Becoming a Writer club are impatiently looking forward to tomorrow! For, it's tomorrow they will show and try to sell their Christmas postcards: a limited collection of twelve cards holding famous Nativity scenes.