Monday, February 24, 2014

Remembering The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a novella consisting of two significant parts - the literary (written) and the visual (drawn). In fact, Antoine de Saint-Exupery is the author of both - the text as well as the illustrations. 
The visual part of the book is very rich itself and one can even choose to discuss the book merely through illustrations. If you haven't lately read The Little Prince or have no time to go through it, look at the pictures below and let your mind sink - at least for a moment - into this charming, wise and very poetic book: 

What is it? 

Illustration 1
Ill. 2 What does the above pair of ill. 1 and 2 tell you?

Illustration 1
Ill. 2 What does the above pair of ill. 1 and 2 tell you?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Rose - the symbol of love

The little prince could not restrain his admiration: 
"Oh! How beautiful you are!"

An antique Little Prince

At school I found an old edition of The Little Prince with a dedication from 1973, have a look!

Dedication from 1973 inside an old edition of The Little Prince

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Seduce me with a book!

On Sunday night I received a text message with a request from the school director. She asked me to substitute another teacher throughout Monday. Hmmm…, I thought, what should I prepare for the upcoming day? Mind you, I was to have classes with nearly all of the grades - from 2nd to 6th grade! 
However, it wasn’t long until I came up with a simple, but brilliant idea (forgive the lack of modesty). I decided to ask students to take out from their school bags books that they are currently reading for pleasure and to read them aloud to the class. I wasn’t, however, all that sure if this will work and if kids still enjoy the simple act of listening to a book…?
Now, after Monday is over, I can go ahead and say that literature still possess the power to seduce and that children really do receive pleasure from being read to (and that they do keep all sorts of good fiction in their school bags). Reading aloud is hypnotizing, soothing and enchanting - one can learn this from looking at the faces of children listening to literature. 
That Monday I also learned more about what type of literature is now popular among young people and what children really like to read. Below are photos of book lists we created in 3rd and 4th grades:

Books read by 4th graders

Books read by 3rd graders
Books read by 3rd graders

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The first AES Book Club meeting

Last Tuesday, 4th of February, the first AES Book Club meeting took place. Seven students attended the Book Club. We began with a game "Who am I?" which enabled us to smoothly slip inside the world of literature. Each student thought of a book author, book character, or a book title, wrote it down on a yellow sticky note and stuck it to the forehead of a person sitting beside. These were the passwords that we came up with, words that drew us into the literary realm:

Passwords to literature

We then attended a "book sale". From a pile of a variety of books each student chose the one that grabbed his or her attention. The "book sale" showed how each one of us has a different literary taste and is drawn to different books. We learned that personal intuition serves as a good guide in choosing books we like most.

Attending a "book sale"

We concluded by reading letters written by renowned authors to their fans. Below is a famous letter from C.S. Lewis (author of The Chronicles of Narnia) to his godchild Lucy:

My dear Lucy, 

I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realised that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can take it down from you upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. 
C.S. Lewis

Next week students will read their own letters to authors of their choice. We will begin reading a famous poetic tale "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. 

Re-discovering The Little Prince

You are more than welcome to join the Club!
- MS