Friday, October 11, 2013

Food for thought...

Dear Everybody,

sharks are not that dangerous as people try to make us believe. Sometimes they attack people, but that is because they need to hunt or because they are scared. Look at the following video, and you will believe it! Click on the link:

- Blix and Paweł

It's near a month now without storks...

The stork journey starts at the middle of August when younger birds are starting their journey. Older storks are waiting to last days of August. The journey starts when storks from one neigborhood meet at one place. Then, there is common start and the journey starts. Most of the Polish storks, after traveling 10 thousand km, spend winter in the middle or south of Africa. Some of them land in south-west Asia. This journey takes them from 1 to 2 months!

- Oliwia

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