Julia Konefał, the AES astrologer, studies celestial bodies to tell us what may occur in our daily lifes. This is what she predicts for October 2013:
The Scorpion: you are too predictable. Change it.
The Fish: this month you will win with your fears.
The Water-bearer: you will be kind to your friends this month.
The Ram: this month something not good will beat you.
The Archer: this month something crazy will come to your mind.
The Goat: this month you will be busy.
The Bull: your color is yellow and element fire.
The Twins: this month you may be bored but your friends will never be
boring to you.
The Crab: this month you will care for your safety.
The Lion: you are a born leader.
The Lion: you are a born leader.
The Maiden: this month you will be a little of a smart alec.
The Scales: scales weigh
words. Be careful not to say too much.
And what with libra?